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I am not able to submit practice recording
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Views: 3312
I have joined CV101. My teacher gave me assignment to practice and submit sarali varasai 1 to 8 in two speeds and then 9 to 11 in one speed. I had submitted such recording before, but they were not good, so I started again. By the time I reached 4rth sarali, I got message I have run out of submission. So I thought, let me go ahead and atleast save. By Fifth Sarali, it is not allowing me to save also. Says, buy additional Submissions. I dont understand, if I dont continuously practice and teacher approves it, should I keep buying something ? Please explain admin or whoever appropriate.

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Learn music online
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Views: 5190
Hey all, Hope everyone's doing good. I am looking forward to learning guitar. But as I work for more than 9 hours, I don't have time for full time course. Some of my friends have suggested an online guitar classes- I was thinking to enroll there for the guitar classes there. But, before jumping into something, I wanted do my research. So are there any other suggestions? My first preference is for online courses.

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Technical Issues
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Views: 9344
Any body facing technical issues through gtalk?

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Voice techniques
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Views: 9864
What are the daily practices to work on our voices if we need to use chest voice or head voice according to our range and how should we identify it

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New OM Riyaaaz Recorder
Since the audio recording is available only to SMA students, you must have additional space for students to record Kriti's out side what is taught in SMA as well . you may limit the entries so that there is no overflow, but this way you are really encouraging sharing . Also in the advanced levels the recording space of 5 minutes is really insufficient.
Replies: 1
Views: 16309
Here is a student talking about it From: Dharshan killi Date: Tue, May 15, 2012 at 5:54 PM Subject: new OM Book audio recorder To: shankar mahadevan <> Hi, I tried the new audio recorder, exellent!!! it is better quality, no any distabance very clear, outstanding improvment !!! well done. Thank you very much, Best Regards, Dharshan.

Since the audio recording...

By Yoga Advaith Veturi

12 years, 5 months ago

Mastering the instrument
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Views: 9843
Recommend that SMA start courses for learning the instrument as well .

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