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Lost Lullabies - Hindi Superpack

Lost Lullabies - Hindi Superpack

Course Format

Duration: 25 weeks


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Remember the lullabies your mother or grandmother sang to you while rocking you to sleep? That was perhaps your first introduction to music as well as to your culture. Now give your own child this gift of music. This self learning course brings your lullabies old and new. You can listen and learn, sing along and then sing them to your little one! 

In this course, you will find:

  • 15 self learning courses from the songs listed below, each with its own Online Music Book or OMBooks (tm).
  • You will find lyrics in Hindi and English, practice/recording tools and more inside the OMBooks(tm)
  • You can submit one practice recording per song and get a feedback from our experts. 
Course Format

List of self study courses in the pack